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2022-07-29 来源:












??决定智商的八对基因(还是八个?忘记了) 全部都是位于X染色体上面,在此先复习男女性是如何来的?


??男生是XY,X (卵)是来自母亲,Y(精子)是来自父亲。


??女生是XX,X (卵)是来自母亲,X (精子)是来自父亲。








??因为女生的智商是父亲母亲都有影响,所以会有中和的效应。所以女生智商的分布会呈现自然分布(normal distribution),就是倒钟状,中间最多,两边较少。






??1. 「你要判断一个男生聪不聪明,看他妈妈就知道了。」可是,你又要怎么判断一个男生的妈妈聪不聪明?........想不出简便的方法 .....


??2. 然后我们用机率来算:


??生男孩的机率= 1/2;生女孩的机率=1/2。


??生男孩的时候,母亲对于男孩智商的影响力 = 1


??生女孩的时候,母亲对于女孩智商的影响力 = 1/2




??1*1/2 + 1/2*1/2 : 0*1/2 + 1/2*1/2


??= 0.75 : 0.25


??= 3 : 1


??= 母: 父




??1. 是男生,如果你觉得你很笨的话。你千万要娶一个聪明的女生来。这样你小孩翻盘的机率还有七成五,人生还是充满了希望。


??2. 是女生,如果你觉得你很笨的话,因为,你翻人家盘的机率有七成五.....啊,我不能再说了.........总之,最近天气不错,出去走走。


??3. 当你看到一个男生很聪明的时候,则,他父亲很聪明的机率是 0% (应该说,就算他父亲很聪明,也对他是没有影响的),可是他母亲很聪明的机率是100%。





Thank Dad for Drive - but Thank Mom for Brains...

Successin almost any field depends more on energy and drive than it does onintelligence.??This explains why we have so many stupid leaders.

- Sloan Wilson

NewYork - Another blow to male self-esteem.??Researchers say mothers alonemay pass on the genes which determine a child's intellectual power,while fathers impart those genes controlling more instinctual,"primitive" mental functions.??An article in this week's New Scientistmagazine says studies in mice ar【好文】想生孩子又还没结婚的一定要看哦e revealing that "the mother's genescontribute more to the development of the 'thinking' or 'executive'centres of the brain, while paternal genes have a greater impact on thedevelopment of the 'emotional' limbic brain."

Ongoing research atEngland's Cambridge University is exploring what scientists call"imprinted" genes, and their role in reproduction and evolution. Imprinted genes differ from other genes in that their activation withinthe developing child depends upon the sex of the parent from which thegene came.??"Some imprinted genes work only if they come from themother," the New Scientist article explains.??"The same gene issilenced if it is inherited via the sperm rather than the egg."

Cambridgescient【好文】想生孩子又还没结婚的一定要看哦ists stumbled upon this fact in 1984, during research that soughtto discover if mammals could grow into maturity when supplied with thegenes of just one parent.??But they found such "androgenetic (mouse)embryos died, because certain vital genes had been switched off by the(donor) father."??Delving deeper into this phenomenon, researchersrealised that certain genes controlling the development of theconscious, "higher" level of brain function - intelligence - aresilenced in the paternal version, but operative in the maternal one. Conversely, genes controlling more primitive limbic function -emotions, and the drives to eat, copulate, and compete - are silencedin the mother's genes, but activated in the father's.

In anotherstudy, Cambridge researchers examined the brain development of mouseembryos, abnormally weighted with extra amounts of the genes of eitherone parent or the other.??"As the embryos matured cells that carriedonly paternal genes accumulated in clusters scattered throughout the'emotional' brain - the hypothalamus, the amygdala," New Scientistreports.??In embryos with maternally supplied genetic material, "cellscontaining only maternal genes were absent from the emotional brain. Instead, they selectively accumulated in the brain's executive region(the seat of higher, cognitive intelligence)."

Of course mice andmen do differ.??"It is very important work, and very, very promising,"says Wolf Reik, who is studying the "imprinting" phenomenon at theBabraham Institute, near Cambridge.??However, he admits that, at thisstage "everyone is a little bit lost as to what it really means."??Butsome psychologists are already trumpeting the discoveries asvindication of Freudian theory.??Christopher Badcock, author ofPsychoDarwinism, believes paternal genes help build Freud's famous "id"- the instinctual, emotional, unconscious self-while the mother's genesare behind the more rational, conscious "ego".??During development,"maternal and paternal genes compete for control of behaviour," Badcockwrites, "culminating in a mind divided into two conflicting partsstrikingly similar to Freud's ego and id."

Whatever thepsychological implications, experts believe "imprint" genes (of whichonly three or four have been identified so far) may number in thehundreds or thousands.??Improperly switched on or off, they could alsobe the cause of numerous genetically inherited diseases.??Researcherssay more research may lead to ways of controlling the expression ofsuch genes - and reversing the progress of these conditions.

Source: Reuters Friday 26 May 1998 from New Scientist 3 May 1997 pages 34 - 39





